Due to the ongoing pandemic, our meetings have been canceled for now. We hope to resume in a new venue at some future time when appropriate. We are suggesting the possibility of meeting on Zoom to share ideas and interests until it is appropriate to meet together in person.
At present this is an idea that is being considered as one way to "meet" and share without the risks of spreading the virus. We are open to other ideas as well so feel free to let us know your thoughts.
Greg (VE3GPH) has organized a coffee group on Saturday mornings at 9:00am at the Tim Horton's on Westmount at Coldwater Rd. Feel free to meet us there if you are able. It is good to catch up with each other.
Also don't forget the nets on Tuesday nights at 7:30pm or call out on the repeater at any time. There is often someone listening who would respond to a call for a chat.
And finally, Eric (VE3XTD) has been doing nets at 11:00am and 7:00pm most days that the regular nets are not on. These are not just wellness checks but also chats where we can come together and share our lives and experiences with each other. They have been well-attended and we have been getting checkins from all over, not just locals.
In this time of medical concerns let's show those around us that the hams care about each other and the community. Stay active and find ways to help those that can use it.