

President Greg Howse VE3GPH
Vice-President Ron Mitchell VA3RON
Secretary Barb Mitchell VA3BNX
Treasurer Jason Kendall VE3YCA
Director Chuck Doubrough VA3SD



Tech/RF Keith Goobie VA3YC
Tech/RF Chuck Doubrough VA3SD
Computer/Network Jason Kendall VE3YCA


Past Board Members

James MacLean VA3RXB  
Peter Ellis VE3SYS  
Richard Francis VE3OXX SK
Jim Mills VE3ANF SK
Art Moseley VE3UZE SK
James Robinson VE3JPR SK
Bob Simpson VE3ODR  
Darrell Tracey VA3DPT  
Jim Walsh VE3IOM SK

You can contact any of these people by email using their callsign (at)

To report a problem or technical issue please send a message to help (at)